LinkedIn Maven Assessment Answers
The LinkedIn Skill Assessments feature allows you to demonstrate your knowledge of the skills you’ve added to your profile. Job posters on LinkedIn can also add Skill Assessments as part of the job application process. This allows job posters to more efficiently and accurately verify the crucial skills a candidate should have for a role.
The topics in the Maven assessment include:
- Plugins
- Build Customization
- Dependencies
- Project Definition
- Maven Command Line
- General Knowledge
- Purpose and Process
- Maven Modules
- Repositories
- POM File
- Project Structure
- Build Lifecycles
Question Format
Multiple Choice
LinkedIn Maven Assessment Questions and Answers
- Plugins
- Build
- Properties
- Parent
- maven.test.ignore=TRUE
- maven.test.skip=TRUE
- maven.verify.execute=FALSE
- modules/webModule
- modules/ejbModule
- modules/enterpriseModules
- modules/services
- deliver
- site
- doc
- deploy
- It builds your Maven project.
- It installs Maven on your computer.
- It updates Maven to the latest version.
- It prints out your installed version of Maven.
- pom
- maven
- jar
- project
- src/code
- src/test/java
- src/main/java
- src/main/resources
- mvn clean install package
- mvn package
- mvn clean install
- Option 4
- dependency:tree
- dependency:properties
- dependency:evaluate
- dependency:analyze
- In the excluded element of the build section of the POM, list the plugin you do not want to run.
- Set the phase in the module to none.
- Set a value in the configuration of the plugin in the module to be excluded like this: TRUE.
- Do not specify the plugin in the module.
- src/main/static
- src/main/web
- src/main/resources
- src/main/webapp
- Compiler
- Surefire
- Versions
- Javadoc
- src/main/template/descriptor.xml
- src/main/resources/META-INF/maven/archetype-descriptor.xml
- src/main/archetype/descriptor.xml
- src/main/resources/META-INF/maven/maven-archetype.xml
- all of these answers
- the dependency with the higher version
- the transitive dependency that comes from the dependency listed first in the pom.xml file
- the transitive dependency that comes from the dependency listed last in the pom.xml file
- the transitive dependency version of the artifact that is closest to your project
- Replacements
- Proxies
- Mirrors
- LocalRepositories
- Versions
- Surefire
- Target
- Compiler
- .m2/proxy.txt
- pom.xml
- proxy.xml
- settings.xml
- It is not possible to do this.
- Implement the JUnit dependency and add a configuration that sets the parallel element to true.
- Specify the Maven Surefire Plugin and add a configuration that sets the parallel element to true.
- Move each test suite into a separate submodule.
- Verify the dependencies defined in the POM file.
- Print out a report of your project's dependencies in a tree format.
- Download all the transitive dependencies.
- Prune unused dependencies from your dependency tree.
- Maven runs only a single unit test by default.
- Use the -Dtest= flag and pass in the name of the test.
- Use a plugin that can specify the test you want to run.
- It is not possible to do this.
- by explicitly calling the profiles using the -P flag
- based on environment variables
- all of these answers
- through Maven settings
- The name of the artifact must also be specified in the command.
- The name of the remote repository must also be specified in the command.
- Deploying artifacts to a remote repository must be done manually.
- The deploy phase of the default Maven lifecycle comes after the install phase.
- ${basedir}/src/main/resources
- ${basedir}/src/main/java/resources
- ${basedir}/resources
- ${basedir}/src/main/properties
- Environment
- Properties
- Switch
- Profiles
- The dependency is not required to compile the project but is needed at runtime.
- The dependency is needed at compile time and at runtime and must be packaged for distribution.
- The dependency is needed at compile time and at runtime but does NOT need to be packaged for distribution.
- The dependency is required for compilation.
- package
- install
- compile
- test
- It does nothing since no archetype has been specified
- It generates a new Maven archetype
- It generates a new Maven project using the default Maven archetype
- It cleans and installs the sample-maven-project project
- provided
- compile
- execution
- runtime
- -U
- -J
- -X
- -S
- tag
- scmMark
- developmentVersion
- releaseVersion
- reporting
- servers
- dependencies
- distribution management
- It removes the target directory
- It updates the version of the plugins defined in the POM file.
- It removes unused dependencies in your project
- It builds your project
- install
- test
- compile
- package
- Maven will generate Javadoc for the App class.
- Maven will generate an executable JAR, which can be used to run the App class.
- Maven will include only the App class when it compiles the source code.
- Maven will add an empty main method to the App class.
- <>
- <maven.compiler.source>
- <>
- <project.compiler.encoding>
- all of these answers
- dependencies
- version
- groupId
- ${maven.home}/${}/settings.xml
- ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml
- ${maven.home}/conf/settings.xml
- ${user.home}/maven/settings.xml
- Create an internal corporate repository to store copies of the necessary artifacts.
- It is not possible to do this.
- When defining the dependency, set the scope to provide.
- Each developer should define the dependency in the POM file in the local copy of the project.
- all of these answers
- dependencies
- groupId
- version
- The Checkstyle Plugin does not work on child modules.
- Each Checkstyle report is in the target/site folder of the respective module.
- All links in Checkstyle reports must be specified in the plugin definition.
- Checkstyle reports for child modules have to be behind a firewall.
- Father
- Shade
- Dependency
- Package
- ======================
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